Sunday, December 4, 2011

Free: Chapter 2 of Back to Faith on James 2:14 ff

This is a link to a free chapter from a book by an author friend of mine. James, chapter 2 in particular, is widely misused and misunderstood that I think it's worth your time to take another look... does James (2) really teach what many of us have been taught? I don't think so. What do you think?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tekton Ticker - Sun Stand Still: Conclusion

This is why ‘life change’ is not the gospel. Sure, life change is good. God answering big prayer is good. But it’s not the Gospel.

-- Tekton Ticker - Sun Stand Still: Conclusion

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

On Being a Christ Follower

It's good to be a Christ-follower, but you're saved by being a Christ-believer. John 6:66 reveals the tragedy of those who "followed" Christ -- were even called disciples -- but didn't believe in Him. Don't fool yourself into thinking you're saved because you've "surrendered your life to Christ". So far as salvation goes God isn't interested in what you've done, are doing, or intend to do for Him; He's only interested in whether you believe what He has already done.

from ...
* The sole means of receiving the free gift of eternal life is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, whose substitutionary death on the cross fully satisfied the requirement for our justification.

* Faith is a personal response, apart from our works, whereby we are persuaded that the finished work of Jesus Christ has delivered us from condemnation and guaranteed our eternal life.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lordship and the Folly of Discipleship/Salvation synonymy

A central issue with LS is a failure to accurately distinguish discipleship from salvation. A passage that clearly shows a negative example of the difference is John 6:66. "Disciples" abandoned Jesus precisely because they didn't believe him, yet the word is the same as is used for disciple some 260 other times. Disciples aren't necessarily faithful believers , so the concepts are clearly not as synonymous as the average LS proponent would have us believe. Allowing the Bible to define it's own terms and their use --discipleship isn't salvation, and salvation isn't discipleship -- it's folly to enjoin them as functionally synonymous.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Is this the Gospel of Salvation?

Is this an accurate, concise presentation of the Gospel of Salvation?

“God loves you so much that He sent His Son Jesus to this world long ago. The Bible promises that whoever believes in Jesus will live forever in heaven with Him.”